• 02038 354923 | 07436 727 263
  • info@elitesocialcare.org
  • London

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: In what areas do you provide home care?

A: We provide fully responsive domicilliary care, enablement and support service in Southern London.

Q: I need additional support to care for my parent where do I start?

A: Contact Us Directly by phone on 01432 356460 | 07826 092 295 or by email at: info@elitesocialcare.org

You may also use the Contact Form and we will contact you. Following our conversation we will arrange an acceptable home visit where we will agree on how we can meet your needs as well as a schedule.

This will be written up in a care plan and you will receive a copy to review and sign. We'll then agree on a start date for the care programme.

Q: How flexible is the service? Can I make changes?

A: Elite Social Care prides itself in providing a flexible needs led service that meets individual requirements. Please give us as much notice as possible and we can change the time to meet your individual need.

Q: What information will you hold about me and my family?

A: It is essential that we hold sufficient personal information about the person we are caring for to allow us to deliver their care safely and appropriately in accordance with data protection guidelines.

Q: Will I have a choice in who will see to my needs?

A: Yes you will. This will be included in the care plan that is drawn up and agreed with you initially. We will ensure your wishes are respected and your needs are met according to your request.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum amount of care you can provide?

A: Yes there is, depending on what your needs are.

Q: What happens if my carer is sick or unable to care for me?

A: We will provide you with another carer.

Q: What if I'm unhappy with a member of staff?

A: There is a procedure for complaints and that member of staff will be taken off the call and replaced with another carer. There will be no interruption to the service being rendered.

Q: How will they gain access to my house?

A: This would have been discussed at the initial assessment meeting.